3 Parenting Hacks I Probably Shouldn’t Admit To

But they work.

Joanna Mitchell


Image source: Ross Sokolovski, Unsplash

My child sleeps in his daycare clothes.

If you have a toddler, you know everything becomes a power struggle — they want to have more control over their environment and make their own choices. Rightly so. This can be anything from what coloured plate to use to what t-shirt they want to wear.

I like giving my child the freedom to choose (most of the time). But, I found weekday mornings to be challenging. When there’s somewhere to be at a specific time, my stress levels ramp up.

My son would always resist getting changed before daycare. He then started demanding soccer t-shirts only! So, I decided to start dressing him in his daycare clothes the night before. Sometimes, he strips off in the evenings and chooses new clothes himself. Either way, I simply pop a nappy on before bedtime and let him sleep in whatever he is wearing.

The next day, I add a fresh pair of undies and (as long as he doesn’t spill breakfast down himself) he is clean and good to go! This hack saves me considerable time and stress in the mornings.

I keep ice cream in the freezer, always.

My son loves ice cream, and every day, he will ask for one regardless of what time…



Joanna Mitchell

Writer | Thinker | Modern-day hippy — I write about wellness, relationships and life hacks for working Mums.